Legacy Application Software

The ARC cluster environment has a number of compute nodes dedicated to running older “legacy” software applications. These are applications which are unable to run on the newer operating system installed on the main cluster. These nodes are kept within a “legacy” partition on the cluster.

Currently the main cluster is running CentOS 8.1 and the legacy nodes are running CentOS 7.7

The following legacy applications are supported:

  • ANSYS products v18.2, v19.5, v20.2

You can access the legacy software modules by using the command:

module use /apps/common/legacy/modules

You may then use the module avail command to find the application you require.

Example Submission Scripts

Fluent Example:


#SBATCH --partition=legacy
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --job-name=FluentTest

module use /apps/common/legacy/modules
module load fluent/18.2

srun hostname > hostfile.txt

fluent 2d -g -ssh -t${SLURM_NTASKS} -pinfiniband -mpi=intel -cnf=hostfile.txt -i cav.inp

For Fluent 19.5 change the module load in the above example to:

module load fluent/2019R3

For Fluent 20.2 change the module load to:

module load fluent/2020R2